Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Home Schooling

Home schooling is the education of children inside the home, as opposed to in the formal settings of a public or private school. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor.Many families that start out with a formal school structure at home often switch to less formal and, often, more effective ways of imparting education outside of school. "Homeschooling" is the term commonly used in North America, whereas "home education" is more commonly used in the United Kingdom,elsewhere in Europe, and in many Commonwealth countries.Prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education was imparted by the family or community In several countries homeschooling in the modern sense is considered to be an alternative to attending public or private schools, and is a legal option for parents. In other countries homeschooling is considered illegal or restricted to specific conditions, as noted in the Homeschooling international status and statistics.

Parents cite two main motivations for homeschooling their children: dissatisfaction with the local schools and the interest in increased involvement with their children's learning and development. Parents' dissatisfaction with available schools includes concerns about the school environment, the quality of academic instruction, the curriculum, and bullying as well as lack of faith in the school's ability to cater to their child's special needs. Some parents home school in order to have greater control over what and how their children are taught, to better cater for children's individual aptitudes and abilities adequately, to provide a specific religious or moral instruction, and to take advantage of the efficiency of one-to-one instruction, which allows the child to spend more time on childhood activities, socializing, and non-academic learning.

Homeschooling may also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be an option for families living in isolated rural locations, for those temporarily abroad, and for those who travel frequently. Many young athletes, actors, and musicians are taught at home to better accommodate their training and practice schedules. Homeschooling can be about mentor ship and apprenticeship, in which a tutor or teacher is with the child for many years and gets to know the child very well.

The top benefits of home schooling are 

Parents have the opportunity to:

Determine the curriculum and their children's schooling schedule
Demonstrate to their children that education is fun
Create strong bonds with their children
Adapt teaching methods best suiting how their children learn
Spend extra time with their children on difficult concepts and move ahead after children master a subject or concept
Create a flexible schedule not possible for children enrolled in public school
Provide religious and ethical instruction for their children
Shelter children from school violence, drugs, and other negative behaviors children in public schools frequently encounter
Provide their children with the personal interaction that teachers in large classrooms are not able to provide
Spend extra time helping their children develop any special talents they possess, including musical, athletic, etc
Discuss controversial topics at their discretion with their children
Enjoy spending more time with their children
Assist their children during adolescence and other trying times
Draw closer to their spouse as they home school their children together
Take their children on vacations when public school is still in session

Then there is also a disadvantage of home schooling
Homeschooling parents are required to:

Be around their children all day long. This can be difficult when children become restless and misbehave
Frequently explain their reasons for homeschooling their children to friends and relatives unsympathetic or confused about their decision
Restrain anger and remain patient when children struggle with learning
Effectively handle the difficulties of moving at a slower pace than public school instruction
Spend large amounts of money on books and other learning materials
Constantly adapt to be effective teachers
Constantly motivate their children
Speak with other people homeschooling their children to get ideas about solving difficult problems if they're unsure about the best course of action
Spend time reviewing numerous curriculum programs up to their standards and best suiting their children's learning needs
Spend more time finding playmates and friends for their children in similar circumstances

Although there are many other benefits and disadvantages associated with homeschooling, the aforementioned information provides you with an idea of what to expect as a homeschooling parent. 

Homeschooling can be very stressful, but it's also rewarding. However, homeschooling is not for every parent, and parents unprepared or unwilling to make the commitment to be an effective teacher should avoid it.

1 comment:

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